Sunday 8 November 2015

Vaman (Therapeutic Vomition ) -Introduction,Indications & Contraindications

Vaman (Therapeutic Vomition ) 

Part 1 on 8 Nov 15,Sunday 

      Vaman means therapeutic vomiting or induced vomiting. But it has some differences ,that the patients vomits as a part of disease process like vomiting ,due to Hyperacidity or vomiting with loose motion in Gastro .Actually here also vomiting is nothing but Natural protective mechanism of the body .Ayurveda uses this principle as a tool of Treatment

      Impure doshas from the body are removed from the mouth by induced vomiting. The procedure is known as vamana.Vaman is the cleansing process in which mainly kapha dosha ,& secondarily vitiated Pitta Dosha  is removed out from the body.

      This treatment modality requires  the proficiency or skill of vaidya

      It is mainly indicated in kapha dominated diseases – like Gastrointestinal conditions like Anorexia, Indigestion, Hyperacidity originated from Indigestion & not due to eating spicy food or due to NSAIDS or due to alchohol , Recurrent stomatitis

      Respiratory conditions like Cough or Bronchial Asthma with lot of expectoration ,& not in dry cough or dry Asthama Chronic sinusitis, Bronchiectasis , Repeated tonsillitis, Tuberculosis

      Cardiovascular conditions like Congestive heart disease, Hypertension, Anemia

      Neurological conditions like Epilepsy & Dementia.

      Hormonal problems like amenorrhea, scanty menses, PCOD & infertility due to tubal block,Hypothyroidism,Obesity.

      Lymph adenitis,Skin problems like - Recurrent pustules on skin, Psoriasis, Urticaria ,Recurrent middle ear infections.

Contraindications for Vaman karma

Vaman process  can be described as Nisukhayatvam Sukhaya cha ! This means process itself is not so comfortable to follow but after process benefits are rewarding .So makes the patient happy in long run .For example in Bronchial Asthama patients Intensity & frequency of attack is definitely reduced after Vaman .

But as this process while performing needs quiet good physical & mental strength of the patient ,Vata or Pitta dominant Biotype or Diseases requires caution ,when undergoing Vaman process
Similarly delicate conditions or people are like contra indication for Vaman like Pregnancy,Children,Old age,Very thin or very fat person,Patients of cardiac problems like Angina or MI,Weakness or general debility due to chronic or degerative diseases like Last stage of Cancer or AIDS or Tuberculosis.

Bleeding disorders especially from upward part of the body like Haemetemesis due to Peptic ulcer .Actually Ayurveda says Ptrati margam vha haranam ,is the Treatment principle for Raktapitta Vyadhi .Removing Doshas from the opposite direction is the principle .For example if there is heavy Menstruation ,vaman can be tried .If there is Epistaxis tendency in Summer ,try for Virechan ( Therapeutic Purgation)

      Ascites ( Nityam Enam virechayet is the principle for Udar)

      Poor digestive power.Ayurveda says not only Vaman ,but any Panchakarma ,shold not be performed in Sama or condition with Ama ( Toxin like substance ,due to Indigestion at Jatharagni or Dhawagni level) .So most of the times ,before planning Panchakarma ,Deepan & Pachan medicines are given like Agnitundi Vati or Amapachak vati or Shankha vati .Musta or Nagarmotha is Best for Amapachan

      Any disease or serious problem in chest region or ENT region can be contraindication for Vaman like Pleurisy,Throat infection, Aphonia.

      As vaman is strenuous process for patient ,it is contraindicated in ,Persons doing heavy work job or exercise,Peoples having too much stress,Diseases of vata doshas mostly degenerative conditions like wasting.


      Patients who have taken Anuvasan or Niruha basti.

      Prof.Dr.R.R.Deshpande --- 9226810630
      Dr.Sachin Sarpotdar -------- 9822795363
      Dr,Mayura Shinde ---------- 7276866831

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