Monday 2 November 2015

Rules to be followed after panchakarma treatment

Snehana (Oleation) – Part 6

For 3 November  15 (Tuesday)

Rules to be followed after panchakarma treatment :

      Time duration for the after treatment (Samsarjan krama) is same as that of the oleation. It means, if 5 days for oleation then 5 days for the after treatment.

      Always take lukewarm water for bath and drinking.

      Avoid coitus, suppression of natural urges, exercise, and heavy work.

      Avoid  sleeping during day time or keeping awake till late at night

      Try to control the extreme emotional behavior like anger, loud talk or anxiety

      Freshly cooked, Non Spicy, light, easily digestible food is advisable

What is Snehaviram i.e. breaking day ?

      After completion of internal oleation, next day external oleation and sudation is given. On the next day Vaman is given with prior external oleation and sudation. It means for vaman there is only one day break.The dinner on the day before of Vaman ,Kapha vardhak or Kapha increasing diet is advised like Udid or black gram vada with curd or Rice & curd  ,Banana Sadha Rawa dosa without curry etc

      The above procedure is repeated for virechana with two days break.

      Within these breaking days one must consume light, easily digestible food.

      Prof.Dr.R.R.Deshpande --- 9226810630
      Dr.Sachin Sarpotdar -------- 9822795363
      Dr,Mayura Shinde ---------- 7276866831


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