Saturday 31 October 2015

Indications & Contra Indications for Snehana / Snehan karma

Snehana (Oleation) – Part 4

For  1 November  15

Indications for Snehana / Snehan karma

      Prepartory procedure for Panchakarma (poorvakarma).

      Before Swedana (Sudation)

      Vata dominated diseases (Spondylitis, Osteoarthritis, Hemiplegia, Paraplegia)

      Increased dryness in the body e.g. dry skin, early ageing process etc.

      Increased stress, after heavy work done- Anti stress regimen.(Abhyanga, Dhara, Basti)

      Rakta and shukra kshaya- Dadimadi Ghrutum, Kalyanaka Ghrutum , Phal Ghrutum , Panchagavya Ghrutum etc.

      Anxiety- Shirobasti with Amalki Oil.

      Eye diseases dryness of the eyes like Computer Eye syndrome ,Asthenopia ( Tired eyes) - Triphala Ghee is used for Netra Basti
      Frozen shoulders- Prasarini Oil is used.

      In Ageing Population to take care of Arthritis (Maha Narayan Oil), Constipation (Chinchalavan tail for Basti,  Castor Oil as internally), Insomnia (Neeli Bhrungyadi Oil), Hearing loss (Bilwadi Oil)

Contraindications for Snehana / Snehan karma

      Increased Ama ( In these cases first vaidya can do Ama pachana with Amapachak vati or Agnitundi vati or Trkatu tablet )

      Increased kapha dosha, increased meda dhatu / kaphaja conditions like Too much cough in the chest in cases of Bronchiectasis ,Obesity with high cholesterol

      Increased salivation called as Ptyalism

      Decreased digestive power called as Agnimandya with bowel problems,loss of appetite, abdominal gas

      Diseased conditions like fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, dysentery etc.where again Ama samprapti or pathogenesis is predominant

      Pregnancy ( Altered Physiological status ,so vaidya can be little careful)

      Prof.Dr.R.R.Deshpande --- 9226810630
      Dr.Sachin Sarpotdar -------- 9822795363
      Dr,Mayura Shinde ---------- 7276866831

Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics of Sneha Dravyas

Snehana (Oleation) – Part 3

Prepared  on 31 Oct 15

Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics of Sneha Dravyas

a.  Guru (Heaviness) : This quality of oily substance bring heaviness, increase malas, increase body mass index. Hence useful in wasting conditions like Tuberculosis, Anemia of chronic diseases, Cancers & HIV

      Because of this quality, oily substances are not digest easily. It means they last in GI Tract for a longer duration. This produces early satiety ( Satisfaction or Trupti in Marathi)

      Snehan dravyas are High Calorie substances.So must use carefully in obese patients or High Cholesterol patients.But then vaidya can use Medicated Ghee or oil.

      These substances increase kapha dosha and decrease vata dosha level. So they are useful in Dhatu kshaya janya vata Prakop ( Degenerative Vata Problems)

      These substances have Predominance of prithvi( Earth) and apa mahabhuta( Water).So they are Bruhan i.e Nutritive in action

b.  Snigdha (Oiliness) : Substances lubricates the channel in the body.They nourish Schlek ,Bodhak ,Tarpak Kapha. Useful in Osteoarthritis, Parkinson, Alzheimer

      They have Predominance of apa mahabhuta. This property is used in Vata conditions like Dryness of the skin or wrinkling of the skin in ageing process.

c.   Mand (Slow moving) : These substances slow down the process of Degeneration .They work as Anti ageing . Hence medicated Ghees & Oils are used in Degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis ( Narayan oil ) , Alzheimer ( Natsya & Internally Brahmi Ghruta)  & Autoimmune diseases like Psoriasis (Mahatiktak Ghutam) or Rheumatoid arthritis ( Pinda Taila,Castor Oil).

      Sukshma (Minuteness / easily penetrating) : The Oily substances can penetrate smallest channels because of this quality. They have Predominance of Aakash( Ether) mahabhuta. These Substances can cross the biological membranes very easily like BBB ( Blood Brain Barrier) .

      To target the neurological sites Ghrutum or Oils are preferred as they are the good vehicles and drugs & can cross the Blood Brain Barrier. e.g. In Bipolar disorder, Anxiety, Alzheimer's & Parkinson's disease Brahmi Ghrtum is used for Nasya or for internal use.
      Mandukparni, Guduchi, Shankhapushpi, Jyotishmati is used as Medhya Rasayana in the form of Ghee to modify the cognitive brain functions.

d.  Mrudu (Softness) : Because of this quality, oily substance destroys strong binding of atomic particles of a rigid material. So they are helpful to remove stiffness ,which is seen in many muscular problems like Backache, Neck pain, Joint stiffness

e.  Dravam (Liquidity) : Liquid in nature. They have spreading nature.

      Pichhila (Sticky) : Sticky in nature.It is useful in osteoarthritis to prevent the degeneration of articular cartilage and its healing process.

Prof.Dr.R.R.Deshpande --- 9226810630
Dr.Sachin Sarpotdar -------- 9822795363
Dr,Mayura Shinde ---------- 7276866831

Friday 30 October 2015

Snehana (Oleation) – Part 2

Snehana (Oleation) – Part 2 on 30 Oct 15
      The Gold Standard Sneha.

      Out of all four types of sneha, ghee  or  ghrita especially the one which is derived from cow milk and is said to be of great value because of its special quality ‘Sanaskaranuvartanam’.
      It does not lose its own qualities, but in addition it carries the qualities of the added medicine.

1.  According to Function
    I.        Shaman sneha - Primarily used when vitiation of doshas is moderate .It is used in low dose i.e. 5 ml to 40 ml OD or BD.Shaman sneha is given before meal (Bhuktavastha).This snehan used for the treatment of disease.e.g. Dadimadi Ghrutum in Anaemia, Panchatikta Ghrutam in skin diseases.

  II.        Shodhan sneha - used as pretreatment of Panchakarma. In Vaman, Virechan karma shodhan sneha is used for internal oleation.It is given in intermediate to large quantity to the patient. When sneha is given for shodhan karma ,dose of sneha is gradually increased per day.We have time limitation for shodhan sneha. We can give it till samyak snigdha lakshanas appear but not more than 7 days. e.g.- Triphala gruta in obesity, Panchatikta Ghruta in acidity as well as in skin disease.

        III.                Brunhan sneha-  Sneha is mixed with food and given to the patient.It is used in small quantity. Due to its small quantity, it increases agni (digestive power). Hence nutrients from food material are better absorbed. That leads to proper nourishment of dhatus.e.g. - Dhanvantaram oil or Kuzumbu is recomonded in generalized debility of chronic diseases like cancers or degenerative arthritis. Now the capsules of Dhanvantaram oil are available in the market. 

2.  According to Routes of administration ---

    External (Bahya snehana)
    Internal (Abhyantara Snehana)
Shaman, Shodhan and Bruhan sneha are the types of internal snehana.

External / Bahya snehan --- Substances like siddha or Medicated oils, siddha or Medicated ghrut  or Ghee are applied externally.e.g. massage – Sarvang or Ekang Abhyanga, Shiro Abhyanga (Head Massage), karnapurana,Akshitarpan, Gandush, kavala, Shirodhara, Shirobasti, Pizichhil, lepa (lepan), mardana etc. All of these mentioned methods of external shehana are not used as compulsorily before Pradhan Karma, they are used separately to treat some other disorders. Every time it is not necessary to followed by main karma. External snehan is best for skin problems. 

Narayan oil for Degenerative Arthritis, Vishagarbha oil for Painful Joints, Kshirbala oil for Shirodhara, Anu oil or Panchendriya vardhan oil  for Nourishing Natsya,Shadbindu oil for Shodhan Natsya,Shatadhauta Ghruta for Fissures of Palm & sole ,Chandan bala lakshadi oil for Baby massage or for Osteoporosis,Triphala Ghruta for Netra Basti in Computer Eye Syndrome ( Asthenopia)

Internal /  Abhyantara snehan

      Oily substances i.e. siddha ghrut or siddha taila are taken internally i.e. they are administrated orally.

Types of Internal snehan ---  i) Achhapan – use of only oily substances. It has quick action.ii) Vicharana – oily substances are mixed with food material iii) Palliation – it is a medium dose given before meals when the patient is hungry iv ) Tonification – It is given every day with dietary substance in low dose v) Purification – Ghee is given before panchakarma procedure in large doses for a period of three to seven days.

Prof.Dr.R.R.Deshpande --- 9226810630
Dr.Sachin Sarpotdar -------- 9822795363
Dr,Mayura Shinde ---------- 7276866831

Thursday 29 October 2015

Snehana (Oleation)

Snehana (Oleation)
      It is the therapeutic process of imparting the oiliness.
      It produces softness & unctuousness in the body.
      It is the therapeutic procedure & can be utilized as the preparatory process for purification or can be used as the main course of the therapy.
      e.g. In Anaemic patient Dadimadi Ghrutum is used for Internal Snehana before  Virechana.
      e.g. In Asthma Vasa Ghrutum is used for internal snehana before Vaman.
Snehana : Indications
      In Stomatitis, esopahagitis, Gastritis, duodenitis, Colitis (Grahani) - Dadimadi Ghrutm or even Cow Ghee is given for Internal Snehapan
      .Irimedadi oil can be used locally in the cases of Stomatitis
       In Anemia (Pandu)- Kalyanak Ghrutum or Pancha Gavya Ghrutum can be used for internal snehapan
      In generalized wasting in tuberculosis- Vasa Ghrutum, Dhanvantaram Ghrutam is beneficial for internal snehapan.
Dhanvantar oil or kuzumbu is beneficial for external application – Abhyanga, pizzichil.
      In Vata vyadhi & Musculoskeletal diseases like Osteoporosis, Cervical pain, backache- Lakashadi oil , Bala Ashwagandhadi oil is used in Abhyanga, Basti karma.
      Neurological conditions like stroke, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, - Dhanvantaram Oil,  Bala Oil, is used for Abhyanga, basti karma.
 Brahmi Ghrutum, Panchagavya Ghrutam is used for internal snehapan as well as for Nasya.
      Hormonal problems like infertility, impotency etc- Phala Ghrutum has excellent result which is used for internal snehapan and basti.
Types of Sneha:
1.  According to the source from which oily substance is derived
    Plant source- Sesame oil, olive oil, Mustard oil, Castor oil etc.
    Animal source- Bone marrow (Majja), Body Fat (Vasa), Ghee etc.
Properties of sneha:
Oil / Taila
      As defined in literature ‘Tilodbhavum tailum’, means oil derived from sesamum (til).
      Oil can be derived from any oil seed. But in ayurvedic treatment sesame oil is the most beneficial and is commonly used. Hence the word ‘Taila’ or oil is sesamum oil. It has bitter and pungent taste.
      It is the best for decreasing increased level of vata dosha.
      It do not increases kapha dosha
      Softens skin
      Increases muscle power and muscle mass
      Relieves pain
      Good for eye sight.
Prof.Dr.R.R.Deshpande --- 9226810630
Dr.Sachin Sarpotdar -------- 9822795363
Dr,Mayura Shinde ---------- 7276866831