Sunday 6 December 2015

Introduction of NASYA KARMA

Nasya ( Nasal Medication )  –

Part 1 on 6 Dec 15, Sunday

Introduction of NASYA KARMA

When Uthamanga gets fire –
 You need a Nasal Shower…..

Uttamanga means Parts above clavicle or collar bone.Mainly it refers to ENT ,Ophthamic ,Head .Nasya is done to nourish these organ ,strengthen these organ,prevent diseases of these parts .

If we talk about Panchakarma as a Shodhan ,then Nasya is supposed to do purification or cleansing of these parts .Nose is the Main gate way to enter the Brain region .Note the olfactory pathway from cribriform plate of Ethmoid bone in the upper part of nose .Ayurveda says ,Nasa hi Shirso Dwaram’.So action of Nasya dravya ,medicated oils or Ghees ,which are fatty substances ,will be seen on centers of Sensory & Motor organs ,Intelligence area in frontal lobe ,Visual centers as numbered 17,18,19; Auditory centers as 21,22,41,42; Wernick’s area ,Broca’s area of sppech.This is why Nasya helps in Neurological problems like Hemiplegia, Bell’s Palsy, Parkinsonism, Alzheimer’s disease, senile demensia, Tremors, Low IQ etc.

Apart from medicated oils & Ghee ,sometimes powders, fresh juice, smoke are also used for Nasya

Definition of Nasya ---Nasayam praniyamanam aushadham nasyam’( Medication given by nose is called as Nasya)
Nasya is a procedure wherein medicaments are instilled into nasal cavity to expel doshas pertaining to Uttamanga

The nasya dravya (medicine) acts by reaching at  'Shringataka marma‘ -a main vital point situated on the surface of the brain corresponding to the nerve centres, which consisting of nerve cells and fibres responsible for the function of speech - Broca's Centre,as wel as the center of vision, hearing, taste and smell

Purvakarma(Pre-purification Measures) --- There are mainly 2 ways to apply Nasya .One is after other Panchakarma procedures like Vaman,Virechan,Basti & other way is applying Nasya as alone Therapy .If it is followed by other panchakarma ,there must be rest period of one day

In any ways following points are same

Patient must have his bowels opened i.e there should be Anuloman gati of Apan Vayu. This will facilitate the action of Nasya on Pran & Udan vayu

Patient is asked to empty the bladder ,before starting procedure
If patient is hungry ,he make take non irritating light food

Brushing the teeth ,mouth wash ,gurgling, will be better to be done

   Prior to nasya karma, snehana and swedana should be done to the patients Face, Forehead, Head, Ears and Neck. Apply suitable oil like Sesame oil or Kshirbala oil to these parts like facial massage for 10 minutes.

Fomentation can be done with the vapours ,coming from Napkin dipped in boiled water or through Nadi sweda or hot water bag .

This prior snehana (oleation) and swedana (sudation or sweating) help to loosen the adhesive doshas, thereby facilitating the subsequent elimination.

Pradhan karma (Main Procedure of Nasyakarma)

After the Purvakarma the patient is asked to lie down in a bed with his hand and legs kept straight.
His head is maintained at a lower position by keeping the pillow below the neck, Shoulder. (head low position)
Another option is, ask patient to sit in a special chair like Dental chair .Then neck can be rested on cushion, to keep face in lower level with nose up
This position will facilitate the direct passage of the drug in to the brain
Warm the medicines like Anu tail or Pnchendriya vardhan tail by placing it in hot water bath.

Then therapist or vaidya will stand on the backside of the head of patient & will ask the patient to close the eyes gently (To avoid oil part getting touch to conjunctiva ,which can cause irritation & pain in the eye) .Then by closing left nostril by thumb ,4 to 8 drops are put in right nostril with dropper .Same procedure is adopted by closing right nostril for putting the drops in left nostril .

After putting the drops ,if you are doing Shodhan Nasya & Patient is stout & sturdy ,then patient is asked to inhale the medicines strongly & forcefully .Then cough ,mucus,lot of secretions come out .Patient is asked to spit them out in a bowl ,which he is provided .This is usually followed method of Kerala

If Nasya is Nutritive time & in a very low dose is given as Pratimarsha ,then patient must inhale very gently & softly ,after putting the drops .No mucus or Kapha or secretions  are expected to spit out .Little irritation of throat can occur ,because some part of medicinal oil may escape in throat .Patient is asked to do warm water gurgling by which irritation of throat goes off

Pradhaman Nasya ---This  is Sanya Prabodhan Nasya .Senses get stimulated & are awakened .But this treatment should be given by Expert vaidyas only & should also perform in strong & stout patient .If these due precautions are not taken ,there may be complications like Epistaxis,Giddiness .Calamus ( Vacha) or Black papper powders can be used

Vapour Nasya – Medicated vapors are created by putting leaves of Eranda or Nirdundi or wet ginger in boiling water .Then by putting Towel on head & face, patient has to inhale these fumes

Paschat karma (Post management) ---

Mild fomentation ,is once again given on forehead, face, throat & neck .Patient’s hands & palms are rubbed .This stimulates the action of Nasya medicines .Patient can wash the face by luke warm water & then gurgle with warm water .After purification Nasya ,always instill some drops of Cow’s Ghee

Patient should be given following advice –

No  shower or bath or swimming till next 12 hours
No exposure to very hot sun ,No wind, No rain ,No AC
No cold drinks or No Ice creams
No too much talk or Physical activities
No day time sleep & not keeping awake till late at night

Action of drugs used in Nasyakarma

1.  By general blood circulation increases, after absorption through mucous membrane.
2.  Direct pooling into venous sinuses of brain via, inferior ophthalmic veins.
3.  Absorption directly into the cerebrospinal fluid.

Benefits of Nasya

Nasya can prevent diseases of Ear, Nose, Throat, head, eye etc if Nasya is done regularly
Nasya can be a part of Management of various diseases like Hair fall, Baldness, early graying of hair
As nasya can purify & nourish all parts of brain, it is useful in headache, Migraine, Hemiplegia , Facial Paralysis, Aphasia

      Prof.Dr.R.R.Deshpande --- 9226810630
      Dr.Sachin Sarpotdar -------- 9822795363
      Dr,Mayura Shinde ---------- 7276866831

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